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Alumni Societies

More than 60 Ohio State alumni societies allow members to serve the university based on their individual interests and experiences.

Alumni society activities include service projects, reunions, student recruitment, alumni placement, and professional development.

View a message from Archie Griffin, Ohio State Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations and Alumni Association President/CEO.


Mechanical Engineering Alumni Society

Formed in 1986, the Mechanical Engineering Alumni Society (MEAS) is a chartered society of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Our mission is to provide scholarship assistance, awards, social activities, and professional fellowship for the alumni, students, faculty and friends of mechanical engineering at The Ohio State University.

We accomplish this by sponsoring a wide variety of activities and annual awards for students and alumni. Although we obtain some support from The Ohio State University Alumni Association, we are an independent organization, and we rely on our members to support our many exciting  and rewarding activities.